Thursday, July 2, 2020

for today

for today...

outside my window... 89F/sunny @ 6:30pm
i am thinking... the coronavirus outbreaks are overwhelming
Wear A Mask!
i am thankful for... the doe and her fawns that visit me daily
i am wearing... black pedal pushers, white T, Birkenstock sandals
i am going... to town for groceries & birdseed
i am currently reading... 
"Friends and Strangers,"  by Courtney Sullivan
i am hoping... to stay as cool as possible during a weekend of 90F/humid weather
on my mind... gas @ $2.45/gallon, milk @ $1.99/half gallon, butter @ $2.99/lb
pondering these words...
"The serene philosophy of the pink rose is steadying.
It's fragrant, delicate petals open fully and are ready to fall,
without regret or disillusion, after only a day in the sun.
It is so every summer.
One can almost hear their pink, fragrant murmur
as they settle down upon the grass:
"Summer, summer, it will always be summer.'"
~ Rachel Peden ~
from the kitchen... 
4th of July menu:
shrimp pasta salad
Snappy Grillers
BBQ ribs
baked beans
lemon custard/fruit salad
around the house...  roses & daisies
one of my favorite things...  Seven Sisters Roses
a few plans for the week... laundry on the clothesline, weeding the flowerbeds
from my lens:
* fawns in the pasture, "Where's Mom?" *
you can join the simple woman's daybook where every day is a blank page,
and participate in creating a list of the simple things and everyday moments of our daily lives.

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