Monday, March 2, 2020

for today

for today...

outside my window... 54F/partly cloudy/scattered showers @ 2:30pm
i am thinking... I need a new 'squirrel-proof' birdfeeder from the Agway
i am thankful for... the warmth of the sun
i am wearing... black leggings, thermal shirt, fleece vest & Birkenstocks
i am going...  grocery shopping
i am currently reading... "You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington,"
by Alexis Coe
i am hoping... that since March came in like a lamb, it will go out like a lamb too
on my mind... gas @ $2.64/gallon, milk @ $3.85/gallon, butter @ $2.99/lb
pondering these words...
"March bustles in on windy feet,
And sweeps my doorstep and my street;
She washes and cleans with pounding rains,
Scrubbing the earth of winter stains;
She shakes the grime from carpet green,
Til naught but fresh new blades are seen;
Then, house in order, all neat as a pin,
She ushers gentle springtime in."
~ Susan Reiner, Spring Cleaning ~
from the kitchen... 
center cut pork chops with onion/mushroom gravy
mashed potatoes
buttermilk biscuits
around the house... spring cleaning supplies
one of my favorite things...  watching the deer wander down the hill
i'm creating... the March Challenges @ The Lilypad
a few plans for the week... firewood delivery, yardwork
repair the Front Porch Windows from the last Winter Storm Winds
from my lens:
* oh this squirrel lol *
he knocked out the feeder perches to get access to the birdseed,
but, he did leave enough seeds on the ground for the birds
27 February 2020
you can join the simple woman's daybook where every day is a blank page,
and participate in creating a list of the simple things and everyday moments of our daily lives.


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Enjoyed the simplicity of your Daybook entry and getting a peek into your world. Sometimes I think I get too wordy in my daybook entries.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend...

peggy, the simple woman said...

Getting ready to deep clean too! I have to wait though since the kitchen is upside down with a makeover in the works. Thank you for taking part with TSWD.

~Kathy~ said...

Love the photography on your blog. Hope you had a wonderful Easter!